Things; Compositions
The thing about table-top studio setups or on location, is it’s very much a reductionist exercise in composing a picture. This is to me, the essence of what either you can imagine putting into a photograph, or just looking at what is there around you.
Space Jam Jelly (with cherries)
Jelly Temple
Jelly Crab
Jelly Fish
Jelly house
Jelly boat
Jelly Stones 1
Jelly Stones 2
Dragon Fruit 1st Near You
Dragon Fruit 2nd
Balloon Planet
English Candies
Hot & Hotter
Oven Range Elements Film Strip
Radicchio On Black, Velvet
Sugar Pear in Wrapper, on Black Velvet
Tomatillos On Black Velvet
Two Tutus
Whitewash Series 1
Whitewash Series 2
Whitewash Series 3
Whitewash Series 4
Whitewash Series 5
Whitewash Series 6